Rescue Mission Projects
The feeding program is the most important rescue missions that we've ever witnessed. We do this among poor communities, untouchables and slums in India. Everyday we gather the children are suffering from hunger, malnourishment, sick, those that are orphaned and abandoned, homeless and under privileged. We teach them hygiene, education and we feed them with a good protein meal that they're growing bodies need. For some of these children it will be the only meal they get that day! We also provide food and formula to pregnant women and nursing women.
our crisis :- India is the no 1 country that has largest Hunger crisis in the world Today 3000 children die with hunger and malnutrition, this counts every year 1.3 million children that are dying with Just only Hunger and malnutrition not by accidents or sick or anything , if you would call to Help we would love to have you with us in this rescue mission program
Nutritional & Feeding Programs
we need your help to join with us to rescue children from starvation death , you can help anyway you can , for individual child it costs $10 for providing 30 meals and Hygiene kit to adopt a complete community by providing 2200 meals it costs $450

Wells of Salvation was found from the principles of the kingdom. This is meant to be a source of clean water that is a constant help to their daily survival. It's a place that brings hope where there is very little hope. When we are able to dig a well, the entire community is strengthened! They can use this well to grow their own food, make mud huts, hygiene and make their daily food. It will help them to be self-sufficient but every day they visit the well they will be reminded of the one who is the Living Water! When basic needs are met it opens their heart to receive the Message of King and his Kingdom and the Living Water!
Crisis:. India is the third largest nation in the world that drinks water that is polluted and contaminated and dangerous to their health!

Free Education & Hygiene Programs
I used to think that The children that lived in huts and in the untouchable communities didn't have dreams!!!! Now I know that's not true, these children are The same as other children around the world. Their lives have value and they were created for a purpose.we want to see these children chasing after their dreams! We want to see them living to their full potential. These children are not even welcome in schools based on their caste, they live in communities that farm pigs and the food that they eat. The King has given us wisdom too teach them about basic education and hygiene so that those communities Will be able to avoid seasonal diseases. They usually get dengue,malaria, meningitis, swine flu and many dangerous diseases that are taking children and people's lives in these communities. We're able to bring to them hygiene and a proper protein reel. We have seen so many lives changed and hurt so many stories! 100 of children and unborn babies are rescued and we are so thankful about that! we would love to have your help and your ideas to join with ours!

Rescuing Unborn Babies & lactate Mothers
a Mother always dream of her child have safe meal and clean drinking water currently India is home to the largest number of malnourished children in the world. It was found that close 40% of Indian children were reportedly undernourished in the year 2015. "Over the decade (2005-15), there has been an overall reduction in the infant mortality rate and under-five mortality rate in India, yet the country is housing about 50 percent of undernourished children of the world," most of these untoucable and poor communities mothers ages between 12 to 30 but most affected Mothers are 12 to 25 we have heard many stories that pregnant women dying while giving child birth or because of the malnutrition the child died when she/he days baby , many mothers cant able to give feeding to their babies because lack of protein,nutritional Help, we have heard the voices that spoken to our hearts and we have seen women that are on deaths bed and we were finally able to find a way to help them and rescued them , many pregnant women and mothers need our help if you can able to join with us we will join hand to hand with to rescue these mothers and pregnant women, thank you
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Rescue Mission on wheels -Truck missions
caravan of kingdom is the vision of king has given us to reach local slums and poor communities and also where people awaiting for the light in their lives

One rescue shelter is the vision of king has given us to use that for 5 main and basic purposes among the poor communities and local slums and also where people awaiting for the a place where they can hide when they hit by a natural calamities in their lives This is one of the untouchable and and poor communities where our foundation of "One shelter for One community with One purpose One name" The picture below is a Google image and doesn't completely show you our plan. Our shelter will have four walls and two rooms. One room is a kitchen and the other room is a first aid room. We will have a small supply of first aid to help children who get injured or attacked by snakes, pigs or dogs. Pregnant women will even be able to labor in that room. We will have supplies there and teach them how to use them. Another purpose for this shelter will be to help teach the kids schooling as well as feeding them out of the heat or rain. The shelter is going to be very useful because it's going to give them a place they can come to and hide from storms, heavy rains or cyclones. The third reason for the shelter being so important is that we are going to use it to teach widows and vulnerable women a smaller scale business so that they can be self-sustaining, working smarter not harder. We want them to be able to see their potential. Having a place for a church service is another reason the shelter is going to be so important in reaching the hearts of these people for Jesus. Isaiah 9:2 people who walked in darkness have seen a great light